See bottom for text alternatives
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  A to B
  C to D
  E to F
  G to I
  J to L
  N to Q
  R to T
  U to Z


Periodic Table


Java Structurer

SI Units


Printer Version

All the constants are alphabetically ordered. Some have links to pages with more information on that constant such as how it is defined and who derived it - look for the magnifying glass icon. There are currently 603 values listed on the constants pages.
A to B | C to D | E to F | G to I
J to L | M | N to Q | R to T | U to Z
I am very keen to make this list as useful as possible, so if you are looking for a specific constant and do not find it, then e-mail me at and let me know! I will do my best to look into it for you.

[ H O M E ] [ S C I E N C E ] [ M A T H S ] [ A S T R O N O M Y ]
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