Science Equations - A to C
Aa |
Bb | Cc |
Acceleration (Simple Harmonic Motion) |
Action |
Acutance |
Adiabatic Change |
Age Theory |
Allen Equation |
Alternating Current |
Ampère's Law |
Angle of Minimum Deviation |
Apjohn's Formula |
Area Expansivity |
Angular Displacement |
Angular Magnification |
Angular Momentum (Rotational Dynamics) |
Angular Velocity (Motion in a Circle) |
Angular and Linear Velocity (Motion in a Circle) |
Area of a Circle |
Area of an Ellipse |
Area of an Equilateral Triangle |
Area of a Parallelogram |
Area of a Rectangle |
Area of a Regular Polygon |
Area of a Rhombus |
Area of a Sector |
Area of a Segment |
Area of a Square |
Area of a Trapezoid |
Area of a Triangle |
Arrhenius's Rate Equation |
Artificial Feel |
Atomic Absorption Coefficient |
Attwood's Formula |
Average Current |
Avrami Equation |
Bb |
Aa | Cc |
Balance Equation |
Balmer Series |
Beat Frequency |
Beattie-Bridgeman Equation of State |
Bifilar Suspension |
Biot-Fourier Equation |
Bjerkenes Circulation Theorem |
Blade Activity Factor |
Blondel-Rey Law |
Bohr Magneton |
Bohr Radius |
Boltzmann's Constant |
Boltzmann's Distribution |
Bose-Einstein distribution Law |
Bouguer Law of Absorption |
Brackett Series |
Bragg Equation |
Breit-Wigner Formula |
Brewster Angle |
Brewster's Law (Polarisation) |
Brönsted's Relation |
Brunt-Vaisala Frequency |
Bulk Modulus |
Cc |
Aa | Bb |
Cailletet's and Mathias' Law |
Capillarity |
Central Force |
Centre of Mass |
Centripetal Acceleration, Motion in a Circle |
Centripetal Force, Motion in a Circle |
Characteristic Impedance |
Charge |
Charles' Law |
Chemical Potential |
Chords, Intersecting |
Child-Langmuir Equation |
Circle, Area of |
Circular Orbit |
Circular Velocity |
Clausius-Clapeyron Equation |
Clausius' Inequality |
Cohesive Energy Density |
Compton Shift |
Compton Wavelength |
Conduction of Heat |
Conductivity |
Cone, Volume of |
Constructive Interference |
Coriolis Parameter |
Coulomb's Law |
Coulomb's Magnetism Law |
Couple |
Couple of Coil |
Couple, Rotational Dynamics |
Critical Angle |
Crossed Fields |
Cross-Section |
Cube, Surface Area of |
Cube, Volume of |
Cuboid, Surface Area of |
Cuboid, Volume of |
Curie-Weiß Law |
Current |
Current Gain of Transistor |
Current Sensitivity |
Cyclotron Frequency |
Cylinder, Surface Area of |
Cylinder, Volume of |