Name |
Symbol |
Value |
Landau-Ramanujan Constant |
K |
Laplace Limit Constant |
λ |
Lechlanché Cell, emf of |
1.46 V
Length, Planck ħ/mPc = (ħG/c3)1/2 |
lP |
1.6160(12) × 10-35 m
Lengyel's Constant |
Λ |
Lieb's Square Ice Constant |
Light Year |
ly |
9.46052973 × 1015 m
Light, Speed of (in a Vacuum) |
c |
299792458 m s-1
Linear Expansivity of Copper |
α |
1.7 × 10-5 K-1
Linear Expansivity of Steel |
α |
1.2 × 10-5 K-1
Liquid Pint (US) |
4.731 × 10-4 m3
Litre |
l |
1 dm3 10-3 m3
Loschmidt Constant |
n0 |
2.6867775(47) × 1025 m-3
Loschmidt Constant (T=273.15K, p=100kPa) |
Vm |
22.710981(40) × 10-3 m3 mol-1