Name |
Symbol |
Value |
e |
e |
Earth's Average Density |
5.517 × 103 kg m-3
Earth's Average Radius |
R |
6.37 × 106 m
Earth's Magnetic Field, Horizontal Component of |
B0 |
1.8 × 10-5 T
Earth's Mass |
M |
5.972 × 1024 kg
Earth-Moon Mean Distance |
3.844 × 108 m
Electric Constant (1/µ0c2) |
ε0 |
8.854187817 × 10-12 F m-1
Electrical Power Specification (UK) |
230V ac, 50Hz
Electrical Power Specification (US) |
115V ac, 60Hz
Electron Charge |
e e/h |
1.602176462(63) × 10-19 C 2.417989491(95) × 1014 A J-1
Electron Charge to Mass Quotient |
-e/me |
-1.758820174(71) × 1011 C kg-1
Electron g-Factor |
ge |
Electron Gyromagnetic Ratio |
γe γe/2π |
1.760859794(71) × 1011 s-1 T-1 28024.9540(11) MHz T-1
Electron Magnetic Moment |
µe µe/µB µe/µN |
-928.476362(37) × 10-26 J T-1 -1.0011596521869(41) -1838.2819660(39)
Electron Magnetic Moment Anomaly |
ae |
1.1596521869(41) × 10-3
Electron Mass |
me |
9.10938188(72) × 10-31 kg 5.485799110(12) × 10-4 u 0.510998902(21) MeV
Electron Molar Mass |
M(e) Me |
5.485799110(12) × 10-7 kg mol-1
Electron Radius, Classical |
re |
2.817940285(31) × 10-15 m
Electron Specific Charge |
-e/me |
-1.758819(62) × 1011 C kg-1
Electron to Shielded Helion Magnetic Moment Ratio (gas, sphere, 25°C) |
µe/µ'h |
Electron to Shielded Proton Magnetic Moment Ratio (H2O, sphere, 25°C) |
µe/µ'p |
Electron-α-Particle Mass Ratio |
me/mα |
1.3709335611(29) × 10-4
Electron-Deuteron Magnetic Moment Ratio |
µe/µd |
Electron-Deuteron Mass Raio |
me/md |
2.7244371170(58) × 10-4
Electron-Muon Magnetic Moment Ratio |
µe/µµ |
Electron-Muon Mass Ratio |
me/mµ |
4.83633210(15) × 10-3
Electron-Neutron Magnetic Moment Ratio |
µe/µn |
Electron-Neutron Mass Ratio |
me/mn |
5.438673462(12) × 10-4
Electron-Proton Magnetic Moment Ratio |
µe/µp |
Electron-Proton Mass Ratio |
me/mp |
5.446170232(12) × 10-4
Electron-Tau Mass Ratio |
me/mτ |
2.87555(47) × 10-4
Electronvolt |
eV |
1.60217733 × 10-19 J
Electronvolts, Million |
MeV |
1.6 × 10-13 J
Elementary Charge |
e e/h |
1.602176462(63) × 10-19 C 2.417989491(95) × 1014 A J-1
emf of Daniell Cell |
1.08 V
emf of Lechlanché Cell |
1.46 V
emf of Nife Cell |
1.40 V
emf of Weston Cell |
1.0186 V
Energy Production, Sun's |
3.90 × 1026 W
Energy, Hartree |
Eh |
4.35974381(34) × 10-18 J 27.2113834(11) eV
Euler's Constant |
γ C |
Name |
Symbol |
Value |
Faraday Constant |
F |
96485.3415(39) C mol-1
Fathom |
fath |
1.8288 m 72 in 6 ft
Feigenbaum's Constant |
δ |
Fermi Constant |
1.4 × 10-50 J m-3
Fermi Coupling Constant |
GF/(ħc)3 |
1.16639(1) × 10-5 GeV-2
Fine Structure Constant |
α |
7.297352533(27) × 10-3
First Radiation Constant 2πhc2 |
c1 |
3.74177107(29) × 10-16 W m2
First Radiation Constant for Spectral Radiance 2hc2 |
c1L |
1.191042722(93) × 10-16 W m2 sr-1
Fluid Ounce, UK |
floz |
2.841 × 10-5 m3
Fluid Ounce, US |
floz |
2.957 × 10-5 m3
Foot |
ft ' |
0.3048 m
Foot, Board (Timber) |
fbm |
2.359737216 × 10-3 m3
Foot, Cube |
ft3 cu. ft. |
2.8316846592 × 10-2 m3 1728 in3
Fransén-Robinson Constant |
Free Neutron, Half-life of |
T |
650 s
Free Space, Permeability of |
µ0 |
4π × 10-7 N A-2 12.566370614 × 10-7 N A-2
Free Space, Permittivity of |
ε0 |
8.854187817 × 10-12 F m-1