Name |
Symbol |
Value |
Cahen's Constant |
Carbon-14 Half-life of |
T |
5570 years
Catalan's Constant |
G |
Chain |
ch |
20.1168 m
Characteristic Impedence of Vacuum |
Z0 |
376.730313461 Ω
Charge to Mass Quotient, Electron |
-e/me |
-1.758820174(71) × 1011 C kg-1
Charge to Mass Quotient, Proton |
e/mp |
9.57883408(38) × 107 C kg-1
Charge, Electron |
e e/h |
1.602176462(63) × 10-19 C 2.417989491(95) × 1014 A J-1
Charge, Electron Specific |
-e/me |
-1.758819(62) × 1011 C kg-1
Charge, Elementary |
e e/h |
1.602176462(63) × 10-19 C 2.417989491(95) × 1014 A J-1
Circulation, Quantum of |
h/2me h/me |
3.636947516(27) × 10-4 m2 s-1 7.273895032(53) × 10-4 m2 s-1
Classical Electron Radius |
re |
2.817940285(31) × 10-15 m
Common Logarithm of 2 |
log10 2 |
Compton Wavelength of Electron |
λc |
2.426310215(18) × 10-12 m
Compton Wavelength, Muon |
λC,µ |
11.73444197(35) × 10-15 m
Compton Wavelength, Neutron h/mnc |
λC,n |
1.319590898(10) × 10-15 m
Compton Wavelength, Proton h/mpc |
λC,p |
1.321409847(10) × 10-15 m
Compton Wavelength, Tau |
λC,τ |
0.69770(11) × 10-15 m
Conductance Quantum 2e2/h |
G0 |
7.748091696(28) × 10-5 S
Conductance, Quantized Hall |
e2/h |
3.87404614 × 10-5 S
Constant, Absolute Entropy |
S0/R |
-1.1517048(44) -1.1648678(44)
Constant, Apéry's |
ζ(3) |
Constant, Boltzmann |
k |
1.3806503(24) × 10-23 J K-1 8.617342(15) × 10-5 eV K-1 2.0836644(36) × 1010 Hz K-1
Constant, Catalan's |
G |
Constant, Dirac's |
ħ (h bar) |
1.054571596(82) × 10-34 J s 6.58211889(26) × 10-16 eV s
Constant, Electric (1/µ0c2) |
ε0 |
8.854187817 × 10-12 F m-1
Constant, Euler's |
γ C |
Constant, Faraday |
F |
96485.3415(39) C mol-1
Constant, Feigenbaum's |
δ |
Constant, Fermi |
1.4 × 10-50 J m-3
Constant, Fermi Coupling |
GF/(ħc)3 |
1.16639(1) × 10-5 GeV-2
Constant, Fine Structure |
α |
7.297352533(27) × 10-3
Constant, First Radiation 2πhc2 |
c1 |
3.74177107(29) × 10-16 W m2
Constant, Gas |
R |
8.314 J K-1 mol-1
Constant, Gravitational |
G |
6.673(10) × 10-11 N m2 kg-2
Constant, Inverse Fine Structure |
α |
137.03599976(50) × 10-3
Constant, Khintchine's |
K |
Constant, Loschmidt |
n0 |
2.6867775(47) × 1025 m-3
Constant, Loschmidt (T=273.15K, p=100kPa) |
Vm |
22.710981(40) × 10-3 m3 mol-1
Constant, Magnetic |
µ0 |
4π × 10-7 N A-2 12.566370614 × 10-7 N A-2
Constant, Planck (h) |
h |
6.62606876(52) × 10-34 J s 4.13566727(16) × 10-15 eV s
Constant, Pythagoras' |
Constant, Sackur-Tetrode |
S0/R |
-1.1517048(44) -1.1648678(44)
Constant, Solar |
1400 W m-2
Constant, Stefan-Boltzmann (π2/60)k4/ħ3c2 |
σ |
5.670400(40) × 10-8 W m-2 K-4
Constant, Verdet's (Light at 589nm in water) |
0.000477 rad A-1
Constant, von Klitzing |
RK |
25812.807572(95) Ω
Constant, Wien Displacement Law |
b |
2.8977686(51) × 10-3 m K
Constants, Planck (h/2π) |
ħ (h bar) |
1.054571596(82) × 10-34 J s 6.58211889(26) × 10-16 eV s
Constants, Rydberg α2mec/2h |
R∞ R∞c R∞hc |
10973731.568549(83) m-1 3.289841960368(25) × 1015 Hz 2.17987190(17) × 10-18 J
Copper, Linear Expansivity of |
α |
1.7 × 10-5 K-1
Copper, Specific Heat Capacity of |
cc |
385 J kg-1 K-1
Copper, Thermal Conductivity of |
kc |
385 W m-1 K-1
Copper, Young Modulus for |
Ec |
1.3 × 1011 Pa
Cord (Timber) |
cd (UK) |
3.624556364 m3
Critical Temperature of Air |
-190 °C 183 K
Cross Section, Thomson |
σe |
0.665245854(15) × 10-28 m2
Cube Foot |
ft3 cu. ft. |
2.8316846592 × 10-2 m3 1728 in3
Cube Inch |
in3 cu. in. |
1.6387064 × 10-5 m3
Cube Yard |
yd3 cu. yd. |
7.64554858 × 10-5 m3 27 ft3 46656 in3
Curie |
Ci |
3.7 × 1010 Bq
Name |
Symbol |
Value |
Dalton |
amu mu u |
1.66053873(13) × 10-27 kg 931.494013(37) MeV 1.49241778(12) × 10-10 J
Daniel Cell, emf of |
1.08 V
Density of Air (at stp) |
0.7734 m3 kg-1 1.2929 kg m-3
Density, Earth's Average |
5.517 × 103 kg m-3
Deuteron Magnetic Moment |
µd |
0.43307375(15) × 10-26 J T-1 0.4669754479 × 10-3 µB 0.857438230(24) µN
Deuteron Molar Mass |
Md |
2.013553214(24) u
Deuteron Rest Mass |
md |
3.3435860(20) × 10-27 kg 2.013553214(24) u 1875.61339(57) MeV c-2
Deuteron-Electron Magnetic Moment Ratio |
µd/µe |
0.4664345460(91) × 10-3
Deuteron-Electron Rest Mass Ratio |
md/me |
Deuteron-Proton Magnetic Moment Ratio |
µd/µp |
Deuteron-Proton Rest Mass Ratio |
md/mp |
Dirac's Constant |
ħ (h bar) |
1.054571596(82) × 10-34 J s 6.58211889(26) × 10-16 eV s
Drachm (Avoirdupois) |
dr (avdp.) dr. (av.) |
1.771845195 × 10-3 kg 0.00390625 lb 0.0625 oz
Dram (Avoirdupois) |
dr (avdp.) dr. (av.) |
1.771845195 × 10-3 kg 0.00390625 lb 0.0625 oz
Dry Pint (US) |
pt (US, dry) |
5.50610469 × 10-4 m3