Complex Numbers

Complex Numbers
Note: Some textbooks use the letter j to represent the imaginary part of a complex number. I have used the more universal i throughout.
A complex number, z, is of the form:
or, using polar coordinates:
where x and y are real numbers and:
The modulus of a complex number is:
The argument of a complex number is:
The conjugate of a complex number is:
In the following lines:
For z = x + iy and where y is measured in radians:
When theta is measured in radians:
The exponential form of a complex number:
Complex Trigonometric Functions:
Complex Trigonometric Function Properties:
Complex Hyperbolic Functions:
Complex Hyperbolic Properties:
Complex Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Function Relations:
Complex Inverse Trigonometric Functions:
Complex Inverse Hyperbolic Functions:

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