Copyright and Disclaimer

This site is © 1997 - 2001, Jonathan Stott. Any intellectual and generally available information, for example the equations and constants themselves are not included within this copyright as they are in the public domain. The site may not by distributed in any way other than from the internet as a direct access to without my prior written consent. The distribution of the site on any other network is forbidden, except with prior written permission from the author.
Although the information I provide should be mostly accurate, there may be occasions when errors occur. I cannot be held responsible for the consequences of using any misleading or inaccurate information obtained from these pages.
Data Protection
Any information which is submitted on a form within this site is protected and will be treated as confidential. This means that your information cannot be redistributed without your permission. As a matter of course, I will not redistribute your details which includes your name, e-mail address and other details. I cannot be held responsible for any information entered on sites linked to from this site.
I cannot reply to every request for help - the number of requests simply is much too great for the available time I have.
If you would like to put a link on your site to The Constants and Equations Pages, then I would be obliged if you could E-Mail me at telling me that you are linking to the site so I can see what sort of people will be arriving at my site.

Page compiled: Wed Sep 05 18:38:02 GMT+01:00 2001