Due to popular request, copies of the whole website can now be supplied on a one off basis on CD.1 The CD will contain the very latest version of the website which may not even be on the internet yet! The download archive is always out of date as it is updated only every month or so.
Obviously, I cannot just give away CDs for free - I have to pay for the media and the postage. The cost of a CD is set at the following price which includes all carriage charges:
British Pounds Sterling10.00
USA Dollars15.00
French Francs100.00
German Marks30.00
Check the current exchange rate for other countries not listed above
To get your hands on a CD, all you need to do is to send either a cheque (drawn on a British bank and in Pounds Sterling, payable to 'Jonathan Stott') or banknotes2, together with your name, postal address and e-mail address to the following address3:
Jonathan Stott
16, Maxstoke Close
Dosthill, TAMWORTH
B77 1NP
Alternatively, you can use electronic wire transfer straight to my bank account4. You will need to e-mail me on to find out the details for this.
Unfortunately, I cannot accept credit cards at this time.
1 The CD provided is a recordable CD produced on a CD-R drive. This may not work on particularly old CD drives. It has been tested on PC and Acorn computers. The Constants and Equations Pages accept no responsibility for any disruption, damage and/or loss to your data or computer system that may occur while using the CD. You must check with the network administrator before using the CD on a networked computer. I recommend running a virus-scanning program over the CD before use.
2 When sending banknotes, you should add 5% to the cost to cover exchange fees. Coins can be sent but should be secured between card. All banknotes and coins are sent at your own risk - I recommend using some sort of signature on delivery service for added security.
3 Double-check with your post office to make sure you are using the correct postage.
4 An additional charge will be levied for these transfers to cover my bank charges.

Page compiled: Wed Sep 05 18:38:02 GMT+01:00 2001