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Calculus and Analytic Geometry
by Ross L. Finney(Contributor), George Brinton Thomas
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Calculus and Analytic Geometry : Student Solution Manual, Part 1
by George Brinton Thomas
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Calculus and Analytic Geometry : Student Solution Manual, Part 2
by George Briton Thomas, George Brinton Thomas
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Beyond the Third Dimension : Geometry, Computer Graphics, and Higher Dimensions (Scientific American Library Series)
by Thomas F. Banchoff
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Geometry of Rene Descartes
by Rene Descartes
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Algebra and Trigonometry With Analytic Geometry
by Jeffery A. Cole, Earl William Swokowski
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Calculus and Analytical Geometry Study Guide
by George Brinton Thomas
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Calculus With Analytic Geometry
by Howard Anton
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Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Spaces (Progress in Mathematics, Vol 152)
by Mikhael Gromov, S. M. Bates (Translator)
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A Vector Space Approach to Geometry
by Melvin Hausner
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Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis (Universitext)
by Jurgen Jost
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Calculus and Analytic Geometry : Student Solution Manual, Part 2
by George Brinton Thomas
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Projective Geometry : From Foundations to Applications
by Albrecht Beutelspacher, et al
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Conics and Cubics : A Concrete Introduction to Algebraic Curves (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
by Robert Bix
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Calculus With Analytic Geometry
by Robert Ellis, Denny Gulick
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Fractal Geometry and Number Theory
by Michel L. Lapidus, MacHiel Van Frankenhuysen
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The Laplacian on a Riemannian Manifold : An Introduction to Analysis on Manifolds (London Mathematical Society Student Texts , No 31)
by Steven Rosenberg
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Calculus With Analytic Geometry
by David E. Penney(Contributor), C. Henry Edwards
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Exploring Analytical Geometry With Mathematica
by Donald L. Vossler
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Riemannian Geometry : A Modern Introduction (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 108)
by Isaac Chavel
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An Introduction to Riemann-Finsler Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 200)
by David Dai-Wai Bao, et al
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Riemannian Manifolds : An Introduction to Curvature (Graduate Texts in Mathematics , Vol 176)
by John M. Lee
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Riemannian Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 171)
by Peter Petersen
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Analytic Geometry
by Gordon Fuller, Dalton Tarwater (Contributor)
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Calculus and Analytic Geometry
by George B. Thomas, Ross L. Finney
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