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Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, 2nd Edition
by Bruce Schneier
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Wired Style : Principles of English Usage in the Digital Age
by Constance Hale(Editor), et al
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The Advent of the Algorithm : The Idea that Rules the World
by David Berlinski
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Numerical Recipes in C : The Art of Scientific Computing
by William H. Press, et al
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The Mathematica Book (4th Edition)
by Stephen Wolfram
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Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning
by David E. Goldberg
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Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision
by James R. Parker
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Introduction to the Theory of Computation
by Michael Sipser
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Numerical Recipes in C : Source Code for Recipes and Example Programs/Disk V 2.02
by William T. Vetterling(Editor), et al
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Concrete Mathematics : A Foundation for Computer Science
by Ronald Graham, et al
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Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77 : The Art of Scientific Computing
by William H. Press, et al
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Combinatorial Optimization : Algorithms and Complexity [UNABRIDGED]
by Christos H. Papadimitriou, Kenneth Steiglitz
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Numerical Recipes Example Book (C)
by William T. Vetterling, et al
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The Importance of Being Fuzzy
by Arturo Sangalli
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Fortran 90/95 Explained
by Michael Metcalf, John Ker Reid
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Introduction to MathCAD
by Ronald W. Larsen
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The Beginners Guide to MathematicaRG, Version 4
by Jerry Glynn, Theodore Gray
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by Mitchell Shnier
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Mathematics for Computer Graphics Applications : An Introduction to the Mathematics and Geometry of Cad/Cam, Geometric Modeling, Scientific visualizat
by Michael E. Mortenson
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Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs
by Zbigniew Michalewicz
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Introduction to Mathematical Logic
by Alonzo Church
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Microsoft Press Computer User's Dictionary
by Microsoft Press
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Applied Numerical Analysis Using Matlab
by Laurene V. Fausett
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Data Structures and Algorithms With Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java (Worldwide Series in Computer Science)
by Bruno R. Preiss
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Simulating Society: A Mathematica Toolkit for Modeling Socioeconomic Behavior
by Richard J. Gaylord, et al
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