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Aquatic Environmental Chemistry (Oxford Chemistry Primers, 57)
by A. G. Howard
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Using Geochemical Data : Evaluation, Presentation, Interpretation (Longman Geochemistry)
by Hugh R. Rollinson
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Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry
by Donald Langmuir
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The Planetary Scientist's Companion
by Katharina Lodders, et al
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Geochemistry of Natural Waters, The: Surface and Groundwater Environments
by James I. Drever
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Isotope Tracers in Catchment Hydrology
by Carol Kendall(Editor), Jeffrey J. McDonnell (Editor)
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Radiogenic Isotope Geology
by Alan P. Dickin
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Principles and Applications of Geochemistry
by Gunter Principles and Applications of inorganic Faure
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Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, 3rd Edition
by Hubert Lloyd Barnes(Editor)
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Principles of Isotope Geology, 2nd Edition
by Gunter Faure
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Stable Isotope Geochemistry
by Jochen Hoefs
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Thermodynamics of Natural Systems
by Gregor M. Anderson
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Groundwater Geochemistry : Fundamentals and Applications to Contamination
by William J. Deutsch
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Global Environment: Water, Air, and Geochemical Cycles
by Elizabeth Kay Berner, Robert A. Berner (Contributor)
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An Introduction to Organic Geochemistry (Longman Geochemistry)
by S. D. Killops, V. J. Killops (Contributor)
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Ground-Water Microbiology and Geochemistry
by Francis H. Chapelle
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Principles and Applications of Aquatic Chemistry
by Francois M.M. Morel, Janet G. Hering
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Solutions, Minerals and Equilibria
by Garrels, R. Garrels
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Chemistry in Context : Applying Chemistry to Society
by Conrad L. Stanitski(Editor)
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The Carbon Cycle
by T. M. L. Wigley(Editor), David Steven Schimel (Editor)
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Chemistry of the Solid-Water Interface : Processes at the Mineral-Water and Particle-Water Interface in Natural Systems
by Werner Stumm
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Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia : Variables, Mechanisms, and Model Applications
by Everett A. Jenne(Editor)
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Water Quality Data : Analysis and Interpretation
by Arthur W. Hounslow
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Kinetic Theory in the Earth Sciences
by Antonio C. Lasaga
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Geochemical Reaction Modeling : Concepts and Applications
by Craig M. Bethke, Graig M. Bethke
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