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The Code Book : The Evolution of Secrecy from Mary, Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography
by Simon Singh
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The Advent of the Algorithm : The Idea that Rules the World
by David Berlinski
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Where Wizards Stay Up Late : The Origins of the Internet
by Katie Hafner, Matthew Lyon
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The Knowledge Web : From Electronic Agents to Stonehenge and Back--And Other Journeys Through Knowledge
by James Burke
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ENIAC: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the World's First Computer
by Scott McCartney
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Under the Radar: How Red Hat Changed the Software Business and Took Microsoft By Surprise
by Robert Young, Wendy Goldman Rohm
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Information Warfare and Security
by Dorothy E. Denning
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The Soul of a New Machine
by Tracy Kidder
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Hamlet on the Holodeck : The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace
by Janet Horowitz Murray, Janet Horowitz-Murray
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How We Became Posthuman : Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics
by N. Katherine Hayles, Katherine Hayles
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Appledesign : The Work of the Apple Industrial Design Group
by Paul Kunkel, Rick English (Photographer)
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The Soul of a New Machine (Modern Library)
by Tracy Kidder
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CG 101: A Computer Graphics Industry Reference
by Terrence Masson
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Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
by Steven Levy
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The Evolution of Wired Life : From the Alphabet to the Soul-Catcher Chip-How Information Technologies Change Our World
by Charles Jonscher
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Generation Ecstasy
by Simon Reynolds
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Nerds 2.0.1 : A Brief History of the Internet
by Stephen Segaller
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Alan Turing: The Enigma
by Andrew Hodges, Douglas Hofstadter (Preface)
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Computer : A History of the Information Machine (The Sloan Technology Series)
by Martin Campbell-Kelly, William Aspray (Contributor)
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A History of Modern Computing (History of Computing)
by Paul E. Ceruzzi
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The Mac Bathroom Reader
by Owen W. Linzmayer
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Avatars of the Word : From Papyrus to Cyberspace
by James Joseph O'Donnell
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The End of Patience : Cautionary Notes on the Information Revolution
by David Shenk
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Inventing the Internet
by Janet Abbate
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Techno Rebels : The Renegades of Electronic Funk
by Dan Sicko
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