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in association with Bookshop > Computers & Internet > Programming > Web Programming > Cybercopyrights
Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace
by Lawrence Lessig
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Getting Permission : How to License & Clear Copyrighted Materials Online & Off
by Richard Stim
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Copyright Your Software (Copyright Your Software, 2nd Ed)
by Stephen Fishman
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The Digital Dilemma : Intellectual Property in the Information Age
by Nat'L Research Council(Editor)
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Isp Liability Survival Guide : Strategies for Managing Copyright, Spam, Cache, and Privacy Regulations (Networking Council)
by Timothy D. Casey
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Inventing Software
by Kenneth Nichols
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Domain Names : How to Choose and Protect a Great Name for Your Website (Quick & Legal)
by Stephen Elias, Patricia Gima
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Electronic Highway Robbery : An Artist's Guide to Copyrights in the Digital Era
by Mary E. Carter
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Intellectual Property Law in Cyberspace
by G. Peter Albert, et al
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Privacy on the Line: The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption
by Whitfield Diffie, Susan Eva Landau
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Legal Battles That Shaped the Computer Industry
by Lawrence D. Graham
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Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Searching on the Internet
by Charles C. Sharpe
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Software Law : A User-Friendly Legal Guide for Software Developers : With Forms (Self-Help Law Kit With Forms)
by Todd F. Bassinger
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Legal Aspects of Managing Technology
by Lee B. Burgunder
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Future Codes : Essays in Advanced Computer Technology and the Law
by Curtis E. A. Karnow
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Software Development : A Legal Guide
by Stephen Fishman
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Software and Internet Law
by Mark A. Lemley, et al
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Privacy in the Information Age
by Fred H. Cate
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Internet and Online Law (Commercial Law Intellectual Property Series)
by Kent D. Stuckey
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The Limits of Trust : Cryptography, Governments, and Electronic Commerce
by Stewart Abercrombie Baker, Paul R. Hurst
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A Manager's Guide to the Law and Economics of Data Networks
by Jeffrey H. Matsuura
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Software and Intellectual Property Protection
by Bernard A. Galler
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Copyright Law and Computer Programs : The Role of Communication in Legal Structure (Transnational Business and Corporate Culture : Problems and Opportunities)
by Jisuk Woo
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The Crypto Controversy : A Key Conflict in the Information Society (Law and Electronic Commerce, V. 6)
by Bert-Jaap Koops
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The Economics of Intellectual Property in a World without Frontiers
by Meheroo Jussawalla
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