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Perl and Cgi for the World Wide Web : Visual Quickstart Guide (Visual Quickstart Guide Series)
by Elizabeth Castro
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CGI Programming 101
by Jacqueline D. Hamilton
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Official Guide to Programming With Cgi.Pm
by Lincoln Stein
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Professional JavaScript with DHTML, ASP, CGI, FESI, Netscape Enterprise Server, Windows Script Host, LiveConnect and Java
by Sing Li, et al
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The Cgi/Perl Cookbook
by Craig Patchett, et al
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CGI Programming with Perl (2nd Edition)
by Scott Guelich, et al
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Advanced Renderman : Creating Cgi for Motion Pictures (Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling)
by Anthony A. Apodaca, Larry Gritz
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Drag 'N' Drop Cgi : Enhance Your Web Site Without Programming
by Bob Weil, Chris Baron
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Cgi Programming in C & Perl
by Thomas Boutell
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Teach Yourself - CGI Programming in a Week
by Rafe Colburn, Krish Menon
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CGI: Internet Programming in C++ and C
by Mark Felton
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Cgi How-To : The Definitive Cgi Scripting Problem-Solver
by Stephen Asbury, et al
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Web Publishing Unleashed: HTML, CGI, SGML, VRML Java
by William Robert Stanek, et al
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CGI Programming Unleashed; With CDROM
by Daniel Berlin
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Sams Teach Yourself CGI in 24 Hours (Teach Yourself -- 24 Hours)
by Rafe Colburn
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Developing Cgi Applications With Perl
by John Deep, Peter Holfelder
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CGI Programming with Tcl
by David Maggiano
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Cgi Programming With Visual Basic 5 (Hands-On Web Development)
by Ofer Laor
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Perl, CGI, and JavaScript Complete
by Sybex Inc(Editor), Sybex
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Special Edition Using CGI
by Jeffry Dwight, et al
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Cgi Developer's Resource : Web Programming in Tcl and Perl (Resource Series)
by J. M. Ivler, Kamran Husain
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Teach Yourself Cgi Programming With Perl 5 in a Week (Teach Yourself Series)
by Eric Herrmann
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Html 3.2 and Cgi Unleashed : Professional Reference Edition
by John December, Mark Ginsburg
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CGI Programming with Java (Bk/CD)
by Gary Cornell, et al
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