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The Y2K Personal Survival Guide
by Michael S. Hyatt
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Ace the Technical Interview
by Michael F. Rothstein
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Y2K for Women : How to Protect Your Home and Family in the Coming Crisis
by Karen S. Anderson
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Y2K Risk Management : Contingency Planning, Business Continuity, and Avoiding Litigation
by Steven H. Goldberg, et al
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Catastrophic Cooking
by Carol Reid, David Harrington (Photographer)
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The Y2K Survival Guide and Cookbook : Recipes for Woodstove, Fireplace and Campfire Cooking, Storing Food and Supplies, and Getting Ready for Any emer
by Dorothy R. Bates, Albert K. Bates
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Crisis Investing for the Year 2000 : How to Profit from the Coming Y2K Computer Crash
by L. Jay Kuo, Edward M. Dua
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Complete Y2K Home Preparation Guide, The
by Edward Yourdon, Robert A. Roskind
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Don't Get Caught With Your Pantry Down
by James T. Stevens, et al
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COBOL for OS/390 Power Programming with Complete Year 2000 Section
by David S. Kirk
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It's None of Your Business : A Consumer's Handbook for Protecting Your Privacy
by Larry Sontag
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Structured Cobol Programming: For the Year 2000 and Beyond, 9th Edition
by Nancy B. Stern, Robert A. Stern
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Y2K Financial Survival Guide, The
by Edward Yourdon, et al
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A Non-Alarmist Resource For Busy People, Y2K Book Resource Lists: What You Need to Prepare by Practical Preparedness
by Howard Silver, Sharon Silver
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Y2K - It's Not Too Late: Complete Preparedness Guide
by Scott Marks, et al
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Time Bomb 2000: What the Year 2000 Computer Crisis Means to You! Revised & Updated Edition
by Edward Yourdon(Preface), Jennifer Yourdon (Preface)
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God's Free Harvest - Successful Harvesting of Nature's Free Wild Foods and Wild Edibles for Your Survival and Y2K
by Ken Larson, Kenneth O. Larson
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Noontide Night
by Andrew L. Burt
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The Senate Special Report on Y2K
by Christopher J. Dodd, Robert F. Bennett
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Cuba Year 2000 Calendar
by Jason Ho
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Y2K: An Action Plan to Protect Yourself, Your Family, Your Assets, and Your Community on January 1, 2000
by Victor W. Porlier(Introduction)
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Chaos Protocol
by Nancy J. McKibben
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Eating Off the Grid: storing and cooking foods without electricity
by Denise Hansen MS RD
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Facing Millennium Midnight
by Hal Lindsey, Cliff Ford
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Y2K Citizen's Action Guide
by Eric Utne
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