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Learn PASCAL in Three Days: With Diskette with 3.5 Disk
by Sam A. Abolrous
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Turbo Pascal 7 : The Complete Reference
by Stephen K. O'Brien, et al
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Computer Programming in Pascal the Easy Way
by Mark Yoshimi(Photographer), Douglas A. Downing
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Turbo Pascal
by Elliot B. Koffman
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The Computer from Pascal to Von Neumann
by Herman H. Goldstine
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Turbo Pascal, an Introduction to the Art and Science of Programming (The Benjamin/Cummings Series in Structured Programming)
by Walter J. Savitch
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Schaum's Outline of Programming with Pascal (Schaum's)
by Byron S. Gottfried
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Object Oriented Programming in Pascal : A Graphical Approach
by D. Brookshire Conner, et al
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Learn Object Pascal
by Warren Rachele
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Introduction to Computing With Pascal (Oxford Science Publications)
by Norman L. Biggs
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Borland PASCAL: Step-By-Step
by Keith Weiskamp
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Using Turbo Pascal 6.0-7.0/Book and Disk
by Julien O. Hennefeld
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Numerical Recipes in Pascal : The Art of Scientific Computing
by William H. Press, et al
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Learn Pascal
by Sam A. Abolrous
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Write Tsrs Now With Borland's Turbo Assembler, Turbo C/C++, Turbo Pascal/Book and Disk (Popular Applications)
by Jim Ras
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C++ for Pascal Programmers
by Ira Pohl
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Software Tools in Pascal
by Brian W. Kernighan, P. J. Plauger (Contributor)
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Learn Java by Association with C Cobol Fortran Pascal Visual Basic
by Dedhia Dilip, Dilip Dedhia
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Fundamentals of Data Structures in Pascal
by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni
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Borland Pascal 7 Insider (Coriolis Group Book)
by Paul Cilwa, Jeff Duntemann (Editor)
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Pascal Programming and Problem Solving with Software
by Sanford Leestma, Larry R. Nyhoff
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Data Structures and Program Design in Pascal
by Larry R. Nyhoff, Sanford Leestma (Contributor)
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Pascal User Manual and Report : Iso Pascal Standard
by Kathleen Jensen, et al
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Turbo Pascal(r): Self-Teaching Guide
by Keith Weiskamp
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Standard Pascal : User Reference Manual
by Doug Cooper
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