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Concurrent Programming : Illustrated With Examples in Portal, Modula-2 and Ada
by Andre Schiper, Jack Howlett (Translator)
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Oh My Modula 2 with DD Macintosh
by Doug Cooper
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Oh My! Modula-2!
by Doug Cooper
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The Modula-2 Software Component Library (Springer Compass International)
by Charles Lins
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Einfuhrung in Modula-2 : Programmierung Und Systementwicklung
by Hermann Gehring, Peter Roscher
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Programming from Design in Modula-2/Book and Disks
by Dalton R. Hunkins
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Introduction to Modula-2
by Paul Chirlian
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Using Modula-2 : An Introduction to Computer Science I
by David D. Riley
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Modula-2 Programming
by Ed Knepley, Platt
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Walls and Mirrors : Intermediate Problem Solving and Data Structures : Modula, 2 (Benjamin/Cummings Series in Structured Programming)
by Paul Helman, Robert Veroff
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Prisoners of Faith : A View from Within
by Nirmala Srinivasan
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Data Structures and Algorithms with Modula-2
by Phillipe J. Gabrini, Barry L. Kurtz
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Modula-2: A Complete Guide
by K.N. King
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Software Engineering With Modula-2 and Ada
by Richard Wiener, Richard Sincovec
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Modula-2 : A Software Development Approach
by Richard S. Wiener, Gary A. Ford (Contributor)
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A Second Course in Computer Science With Modula-2
by Daniel D. McCracken, William I. Salmon
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Making Sense of Modula-2
by Eric W. Tatham, I. Glendinning (Editor)
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Oh My! Modula-2!/Book and DOS 3.5' Diskette
by Doug Cooper
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Oh My Modula 2 with DD I5
by Doug Cooper
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Using Quickmod/DOS Disk Enclosed
by Doug Cooper
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Modula-2 : An Introduction
by Daniel Thalmann
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Modula-2 Applied (MacMillan Computer Science Series)
by R.J. Mitchell
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Software Engineering in Modula 2 : An Object Oriented Approach (MacMillan Computer Science Series)
by Jill A. Hewitt, Raymond J. Frank
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Introducing Computer Science With Modula-2
by R. Kenneth Walter
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Software Engineering and Modula-2 (Prentice-Hall International Series in Computer Science)
by Gustav Pomberger
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