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in association with Bookshop > Computers & Internet > Programming > Languages & Tools > Lisp
by Paul Graham
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Writing GNU Emacs Extensions: Editor Customizations and Creations with Lisp (O'Reilly Nutshell)
by Bob Glickstein
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Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming : Case Studies in Common Lisp
by Peter Norvig
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On LISP: Advanced Techniques for Common LISP
by Paul Graham
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by Patrick Henry Winston, Berthold Klaus Paul Horn
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Object Oriented Programming in Common Lisp : A Programmers Guide to the Common Lisp Object System
by Sonya E. Keene
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Common Lisp : The Language
by Guy L., Jr. Steele
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Object-Oriented Common Lisp
by Stephen Slade
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Visual LISP: A Guide to Artful Programming (with CD-ROM)
by Phil Kreiker
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Hot Tip Harry's Favorite 200 Lisp Routines for Autocad : Plus Other Tips and Tricks to Increase Your Efficiency from the Pages of Cadalyst Magazine :
by Art Liddle(Editor), Art Little (Editor)
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Lisp in Small Pieces
by Christian Queinnec, Kathleen Callaway (Translator)
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The Elements of Artificial Intelligence Using Common Lisp
by Steven L. Tanimoto
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Lisp 1.5 Programmer's Manual
by John McCarthy
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Adventurer's Guide to Interleaf Lisp
by David Weinberger
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Common Lisp Modules : Artificial Intelligence in the Era of Neural Networks and Chaos Theory
by Mark Watson
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Introduction to Common Lisp
by Taiichi Yuasa, et al
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Lisp, Lore, and Logic : An Algebraic View of Lisp : Programming, Foundations and Applications
by W. Richard Stark
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Common LISP: The Reference
by Franz Inc., Staff Franz Inc
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The Common Lisp Companion
by Timothy D. Koschmann
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Common Lisp : An Interactive Approach (Principles of Computer Science Series)
by Stuart Charles Shapiro
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Looking at Lisp
by Tony Hasemer
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Lisp Lore : A Guide to Programming the Lisp Machine
by Hank Bromley, Richard Lamson
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Artificial Intelligence With Common Lisp : Fundamental Symbolic and Numeric Processing
by J. Noyes
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Symbolic Computing With Lisp and Prolog
by Robert A. Mueller, Rex L. Page
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Computer Algebra With Lisp and Reduce : An Introduction to Computer-Aided Pure Mathematics (Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol 72)
by F. Brackx, D. Constales
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