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Generic Programming and the Stl : Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template Library (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
by Matthew H. Austern
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Stl Tutorial & Reference Guide : C++ Programming With the Standard Template Library (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
by David R. Musser, et al
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Designing Components with the C++ STL, Revised Edition: A New Approach to Programming
by Ulrich Breymann
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ActiveX Template Library Development With Visual C++ 6.0
by Nathan Wallace
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Using the Stl : The C++ Standard Template Library
by Robert Robson
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Data Structures in C++ Using the Standard Template Library
by Timothy Budd
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Stl for C++ Programmers
by Leen Ammeraal, Leendert Ammeraal
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Using the Stl : The C++ Standard Template Library
by Robert Robson
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Data Structure Programming : With the Standard Template Library in C++ (Undergraduate Texts in Computer Science)
by Joseph Bergin, et al
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MFC Programming in C++ With the Standard Template Libraries
by Chris H. Pappas, William H., III Murray
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Visual C++ Templates
by William H., III Murray, Chris H. Pappas
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