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The C++ Programming Language
by Bjarne Stroustrup
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The C Programming Language
by Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
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Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, 2nd Edition
by Bruce Schneier
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Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C: The Apache API and mod_perl (O'Reilly Nutshell)
by Lincoln Stein, et al
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Effective C++: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Design (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
by Scott Meyers
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Beginning Visual C++ 6
by Ivor Horton
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Absolute Beginner's Guide to C
by Greg M. Perry
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The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition
by Bjarne Stroustrup
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Effective C++ Cd : 85 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
by Scott Meyers
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The C++ Standard Library : A Tutorial and Reference
by Nicolai M. Josuttis
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Advanced CORBA Programming with C++
by Michi Henning, Steve Vinoski
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The Beginner's Guide to C++
by Oleg Yaroshenko
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The Waite Group's C++ Primer Plus
by Stephen Prata
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Programming Embedded Systems in C and C ++
by Michael Barr, Andy Oram (Editor)
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C++ Primer
by Stanley B. Lippman, et al
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MFC Answer Book: Solutions for Effective C++ Applications
by Eugene Kain(Preface), Scot Wingo
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Exceptional C++: 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions
by Herb Sutter
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Visual C++ 6 Programming Blue Book
by Bill McCarty, Stephen D. Gilbert
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Thinking in C++, Vol. 1 (2nd Edition)
by Bruce Eckel
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by Jean Labrosse
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C++ How to Program (How to Program Series)
by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel
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Essential C++ (C++ In-Depth Series)
by Stanley B. Lippman
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Practical C++ Programming (Nutshell Handbook)
by Steve Oualline
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Computer Graphics : Principles and Practice, Second Edition in C
by James D. Foley, et al
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C++: The Complete Reference, Third Edition
by Herbert Schildt
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