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in association with Bookshop > Computers & Internet > Programming > Languages & Tools > Borland Delphi
Mastering Delphi 5
by Marco Cantu
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Delphi 5 Developer's Guide (Developer's Guide)
by Steve Teixeira, et al
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Delphi in a Nutshell : A Desktop Quick Reference
by Ray Lischner
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Delphi COM Programming
by Eric Harmon
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Sams Teach Yourself Borland Delphi 4 in 21 Days (Teach Yourself...)
by Kent Reisdorph
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Charlie Calvert's Delphi 4 Unleashed (Unleashed)
by Charles Calvert, Charlie Calvert
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Delphi 4 with CDROM
by Xavier Pacheco, Steve Teixeira
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Delphi Developer's Guide to OpenGL
by Jon Q. Jacobs
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Mastering Delphi 4
by Marco Mastering Delphi 3 Cantu
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Delphi¿ 4 Bible
by Tom Swan
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Delphi Graphics and Game Programming Exposed
by John Ayres
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Advanced Delphi Developer's Guide to ADO
by Alex Fedorov, Natalia Elmanova
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The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Core Api
by John Ayres, et al
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Delphi Developer's Handbook
by Marco Cantu, et al
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Developer's Guide to Delphi Troubleshooting
by Clay Shannon
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The Tomes of Delphi 3 : Win32 Graphical Api
by John Ayres, et al
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Tomes of Delphi : Win32 Database Developer's Guide
by Warren Rachele
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Mastering Delphi 3: With CDROM
by Marco Cantu
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Ready-To-Run Delphi 3.0 Algorithms
by Rod Stephens, Kenneth R. Stephens
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Tomes of Delphi : Algorithms and Data Structures
by Julian Bucknall
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Delphi¿ 3 For Dummies®
by Neil J. Rubenking
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Hidden Paths of Delphi 3 : Experts, Wizards and the Open Tools Api
by Ray Lischner, et al
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Delphi 3 : User Interface Design
by Warren Kovach, Ludovic Dubois
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Beginning Delphi 2.0
by Peter Wright, Gordon Rogers (Editor)
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Tomes of Delphi: Win32 Shell API
by John Ayres
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