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in association with Bookshop > Computers & Internet > Programming > Languages & Tools > Assembly Language Programming
Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers
by Kip R. Irvine
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Advanced Assembler Language and MVS Interfaces : For IBM Systems and Application Programmers
by Carmine Cannatello
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Windows Assembly Language & Systems Programming : 16- And 32-Bit Low-Level Programming for the PC and Windows
by Barry Kauler
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Mastering Turbo Assembler/Book and Disk
by Tom Swan
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Assembly Language Step-By-Step : Programming With DOS and Linux
by Jeff Duntemann
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Mechanical Desktop 4: Applying Designer and Assembly Modules (with CD-ROM)
by Daniel T. Banach
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Mainframe Assembler Programming
by Bill Qualls, William Qualls
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Sparc Architecture, Assembly Language Programming, and C
by Richard P. Paul
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An Assembly Language Introduction to Computer Architecture : Using the Intel Pentium
by Karen Miller
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80X86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers: Assembly Language, Design and Interfacing Vol. I and II
by Muhammad Ali Mazidi, et al
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MVS Assembler Language
by Kevin McQuillen, Anne Prince
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Mechanical Desktop 2.0 : Applying Designer and Assembly Modules
by Daniel T. Banach
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Introduction to Assembly Language Programming: From 8086 to Pentium Processors (Undergraduate Texts in Computer Science)
by Sivarama P. Dandamudi, et al
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Introduction to Risc Assembly Language Programming
by John Waldron
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Revolutionary Guide to Assembly Language
by Vitaly Maljugin(Editor), et al
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Mechanical Desktop 3.0 : Assembly Modeling - Student Manual
by Richard Allen, Laura Martz
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Sparc Architecture, Assembly Language Programming, and C
by Richard P. Paul
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Developing Utilities in Assembly Language/Book and Disk (Popular Applications)
by Deborah L. Cooper
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Mechanical Desktop 3.0 : Assembly Modeling - Instructor Manual, with multimedia CD-ROM
by Richard Allen, Laura Martz
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68000 Family Assembly Language/Book and Disk (Pws Series in Engineering)
by Alan, B.Sc. Clements
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8086/8088, 80286, 80386, And 80486 Assembly Language Programming
by Barry B. Brey
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Optimizing C With Assembly Code
by Peter Gulutzan, Trudy Pelzer
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Assembly Language Programs and Organizations IBM PC
by Yu
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Mastering Mechanical Desktop Release 3 : Surface, Parametric, and Assembly Modeling
by Ron K.C. Cheng
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The Motorola Mc68332 Microcontroller : Product Design, Assembly Language Programming, and Interfacing
by Thomas L. Harman
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