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Professional Java Server Programming: with Servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), XML, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), JNDI, CORBA, Jini and Javaspaces
by Andrew Patzer, et al
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Enterprise JavaBeans
by Richard Monson-Haefel
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Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans and the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (with CD-ROM)
by Ed Roman
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Enterprise Javabeans
by Richard Monson-Haefel
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The Java Class Libraries : Java.Applet, Java.Awt, Java.Beans (Vol 2)
by Patrick Chan, Rosanna Lee
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Enterprise Javabeans : Developing Component-Based Distributed Applications
by Thomas C. Valesky
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Java Beans Programming from the Ground Up (Ground Up Series)
by Joseph O'Neil, Herbert Schildt (Editor)
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Developing Java Beans (Java Series)
by Robert Englander, et al
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Developing JavaBeans Using VisualAge for Java, Version 2
by Dale R. Nilsson, et al
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Programming with Enterprise JavaBeans, JTS, and OTS
by Andreas Vogel, Madhavan Rangarao
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Enterprise Javabeans by Example
by Henri Jubin, et al
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Mastering JavaBeans with CDROM
by Laurence Vanhelsuwe
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Programming Glasgow Beans with CDROM
by Reaz Hoque, Tarun Sharma
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JavaBeans Unleashed
by Don, Dr Doherty, et al
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The Awesome Power of Java Beans
by Lawrence H. Rodrigues, Lawrence Rogrigues
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Javabeans by Example
by Henri Jubin, Jalapeno Team
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Developing Javabeans Using Visualage for Java
by Peter M. Jakab, Dale R. Nilsson
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Client/Server Programming With Javabeans
by Robert Orfali, Dan Harkey
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Creating Java Beans : Components for Distributed Applications
by Mark Watson
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Applying Enterprise JavaBeans: Component-Based Development for the J2EE Platform
by Vlada Matena, et al
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Java Beans for Real Programmers with 3.5 Disk
by Peter Wayner
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Essential Javabeans Fast (Essential Series (Springer-Verlag).)
by John Hunt
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Java Beans for Dummies with CDROM
by Emily A. Vander Veer, Joseph H. McIntyre
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Connecting JavaBeans with InfoBus
by Reaz Hoque
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Teach Yourself Javabeans in 21 Days
by Don Doherty, Donald Doherty
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