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Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
by Christopher M. Bishop
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Bioinformatics : The Machine Learning Approach (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning)
by Pierre Baldi, Soren Brunak
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Computer Networks: A Systems Approach
by Bruce S. Davie, et al
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Darwin Among the Machines : The Evolution of Global Intelligence (Helix Books)
by George B. Dyson
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Object-Oriented Neural Networks in C++
by Joey Rogers
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Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation
by Simon S. Haykin
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The Mind Within the Net : Models of Learning, Thinking, and Acting
by Manfred Spitzer
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MCSE JumpStart: Computer and Network Basics
by Lisa Donald
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Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++
by Timothy Masters
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Artificial Life : A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology
by Steven Levy
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Neural Networks in Finance and Investing : Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Real-World Performance
by Robert R. Trippi(Editor), Efraim Turban (Contributor)
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Introduction to Artificial Life
by Christoph Adami
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Biophysics of Computation : Information Processing in Single Neurons (Computational Neuroscience)
by Christof Koch
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Enchanted Looms : Conscious Networks in Brains and Computers
by Rodney Cotterill
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A First Course in Fuzzy Logic
by Hung T. Nguyen, Elbert A. Walker
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Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
by Brian D. Ripley, N. L. Hjort (Contributor)
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Neural Smithing : Supervised Learning in Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks
by Russell D. Reed, et al
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Trading on the Edge : Neural, Genetic, and Fuzzy Systems for Chaotic Financial Markets (Wiley Finance Edition)
by Guido J. Deboeck(Editor)
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High-Performance Computer Networks
by Jean Walrand, Pravin Varaiya
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Neural Network Design
by Martin T. Hagan, et al
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Learning from Data : Concepts, Theory, and Methods (Adaptive and Learning Systems for Signal Processing, Communications and Control Series)
by Vladimir S. Cherkassky, Filip M. Mulier
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Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation (Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity. Lecture Notes, Vol 1)
by Anders Krogh(Contributor), et al
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The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks
by Michael A. Arbib(Editor)
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Methods in Neuronal Modeling: From Ions to Networks
by Christof Koch(Editor), Idan Segev (Editor)
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Neural Networks : A Comprehensive Foundation
by Simon Haykin
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