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Godel, Escher, Bach : An Eternal Golden Braid
by Douglas R. Hofstadter
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An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms (Complex Adaptive Systems Series)
by Melanie Michell, Melanie Mitchell
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Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning
by David E. Goldberg
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Metamagical Themas : Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern
by Douglas R. Hofstadter
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Emergence : From Chaos to Order (Helix Books)
by John H. Holland
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Being There: Putting Brain, Body, and World Together Again
by Andy Clark
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Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems : An Introductory Analysis With Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence (Complex A)
by John H. Holland
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Robot : Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind
by Hans P. Moravec
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The Importance of Being Fuzzy
by Arturo Sangalli
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Fuzzy Thinking : The New Science of Fuzzy Logic
by Bart Kosko
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A First Course in Fuzzy Logic
by Hung T. Nguyen, Elbert A. Walker
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Turing: The Great Philosophers (The Great Philosophers Series)
by Andrew Hodges
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Statistical Learning Theory
by Vladimir Naumovich Vapnik
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Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs
by Zbigniew Michalewicz
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Cellular Automata and Complexity
by Stephen Wolfram
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Simulating Organizations : Computational Models of Institutions and Groups
by Michael Prietula(Editor), et al
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Computation, Causation, and Discovery
by Clark Glymour(Preface), Gregory F. Cooper (Editor)
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Neural Networks : A Comprehensive Foundation
by Simon Haykin
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DNA Computing : New Computing Paradigms (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science)
by Gheorghe Paun, et al
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Systems That Learn : An Introduction to Learning Theory (Learning, Development and Conceptual Change)
by Sanjay Jain, et al
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Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding : An Inquiry into Human Knowledge Structures
by Roger Schank, Robert Abelson
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Formal Concept Analysis : Mathematical Foundations
by Bernhard Ganter, et al
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Analogy-Making As Perception : A Computer Model (Neural Network Modeling and Connectionism)
by Melanie Mitchell
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Scalable Search in Computer Chess: Algorithmic Enhancements and Experiments at High Search Depths
by Ernst A. Heinz
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