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Fluid Concepts & Creative Analogies : Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought
by Douglas R. Hofstadter
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Exercises in Rethinking Innateness : A Handbook for Connectionist Simulations (Neural Network Modeling and Connectionism)
by Kim Plunkett, Jeffrey L. Elman
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Analogy-Making As Perception : A Computer Model (Neural Network Modeling and Connectionism)
by Melanie Mitchell
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Computers and Thought
by Edward A. Feigenbaum(Editor), et al
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Introduction to Connectionist Modelling of Cognitive Processes
by Peter McLeod, et al
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Mental Simulation : Evaluations and Applications (Readings in Mind and Language ; 4)
by Tony Stone(Editor), Martin Davies (Editor)
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Computational Explorations in Cognitive Neuroscience: Understanding the Mind by Simulating the Brain
by Randall C. O'Reilly, et al
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Crisp and Soft Computing With Hypercubical Calculus : New Approaches to Modeling in Cognitive Science and Technology With Parity Logic, Fuzzy Logic, a
by Michael Zaus
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Mind Bugs : The Origins of Procedural Misconception (Learning, Development and Conceptual Change)
by Kurt Vanlehn
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Handbook of Demonstrations and Activities in Teaching of Psychology : Psysiological-Comparative, Perception, Learning, Cognitive, and Developmental
by Mark E. Ware(Editor), David E. Johnson (Editor)
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Neural Networks and Psychopathology : Connectionist Models in Practice and Research
by Dan J. Stein(Editor), Jacques Ludik (Editor)
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Production System Models of Learning and Development (Computational Models of Cognition and Perception)
by David Klahr(Editor), et al
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Computational Modeling of Vision : The Role of Combination (Optical Engineering, V. 62)
by William R. Uttal(Editor), et al
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Neural Modeling of Brain and Cognitive Disorders (Progress in Neural Processing, 6)
by James A. Reggia(Editor), Eytan Ruppin (Editor)
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Cognitive Science : A Developmental Approach to the Simulation of the Mind
by Bruno G. Bara
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The Structure of Intelligence : A New Mathematical Model of Mind (Recent Research in Psychology)
by Ben Goertzel
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Introduction to Connectionist Modelling of Cognitive Processes
by Peter McLeod, et al
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Computation, Dynamics, and Cognition
by Marco Giunti
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Evaluating Explanations : A Content Theory
by David B. Leake
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Introduction to Neural and Cognitive Modeling
by Daniel S. Levine
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Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Face Recognition : Explorations in Face Space (International Library of Psychology)
by Tim Valentine(Editor), British Psychological Society Welsh Branch
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