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in association with Bookshop > Computers & Internet > New to Computing > New to the Internet > Online Searching
The Extreme Searcher's Guide to Web Search Engines : A Handbook for the Serious Searcher
by Randolph Hock, Paula Berinstein
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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Online Investing
by Douglas Gerlach
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Electronic Resumes & Online Networking : How to Use the Internet to Do a Better Job Search, Including a Complete, Up-To-Date Resource Guide
by Rebecca Smith
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Online Competitive Intelligence : Increase Your Profits Using Cyger-Intelligence (Online Ease)
by Helen Burwell, et al
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Super Searchers Do Business : The Online Secrets of Top Business Researchers (Super Searchers, V. 1)
by Mary Ellen Bates, et al
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Online Investing: The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition's Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Internet Investor
by Dave Pettit(Contributor), Rich Jaroslovsky
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Getting Started in Online Investing (Getting Started In...)
by David L. Brown, Kassandra Bentley
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Electronic Day Trading 101 (Wiley Online Trading for a Living)
by Sunny J. Harris
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Public Records Online : The National Guide to Private & Government Online Sources of Public Records (2nd Ed) (Online Ease)
by Michael L. Sankey(Editor), James R. Flowers (Editor)
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THE savvy way to successful website promotion; Attracting on-line traffic; Guide to top positioning on search engines
by Derek Galon
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The Neatest Little Guide to Making Money Online
by Jason Kelly
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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Online Genealogy (Complete Idiot's Guide To...)
by Rhonda R. McClure, Shirley Langdon Wilcox
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Trade Stocks Online (Wiley Online Trading for a Living)
by Mark L. Larson
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#1 Web Marketing : Achieving Top 10 Rankings in Internet Search Engines: Insider Trade Secrets from Positioning Pros
by Fredrick W. Marckini, Inc. Response Direct
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Researching Online For DummiesŪ
by Reva Basch, Mary Ellen Bates
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Job Searching Online For DummiesŪ
by Pam Dixon, Dummies Technology Press
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10 Minute Guide to Business Research on the Net (10 Minute Guide Series)
by Thomas Pack
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Researching Online For DummiesŪ
by Reva Basch, Dummies Technology Press
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Online Auctions at eBay, 2nd Edition: Bid with Confidence, Sell with Success
by Dennis L. Prince, Dennis L. Price
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Find Anyone Fast (2nd Ed)
by Richard S. Johnson, et al
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Law of the Super Searchers : The Online Secrets of Top Legal Researchers
by T. R. Halvorson, Reva Basch (Editor)
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Search Engines : For the World Wide Web (Visual Quickstart Guide Series)
by Alfred Glossbrenner, Emily Glossbrenner
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Finding Statistics Online : How to Locate the Elusive Numbers You Need
by Paula Berinstein, et al
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Netting Your Ancestors : Genealogical Research on the Internet(Item#2931)
by Cyndi Howells
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Patent Searching Made Easy: How to Do Patent Searches on the Internet and in the Library
by David Hitchcock
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