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Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Professional (Step by Step)
by Michael Halvorson
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Learn to Program with Visual Basic 6
by John Smiley
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Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming
by John Connell
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Vbscript Programmer's Reference
by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, et al
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McSd Visual Basic 6 Exams : Exams 70-175 and 70-176 Training Guide (The Training Guide Series)
by Howard Hawhee, et al
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Dan Appleman's Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to the Win32 API
by Dan Appleman
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Microsoft Excel 97: Visual Basic Step by Step (Microsoft)
by Reed Jacobson
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Beginning E-Commerce with Visual Basic, ASP, SQL Server 7.0 and MTS
by Matthew Reynolds
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Beginning Visual Basic 6
by Peter Wright
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Visual Basic 6 from the Ground Up (From the Ground Up Series)
by Gary Cornell
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Professional Visual Basic 6 Databases
by Charles Williams
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Programming Distributed Applications With Com & Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (Programming/Visual Basic)
by Ted Pattison
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Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Programmer's Guide (Programmer's Guide)
by Microsoft Corporation, MS Corp
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Professional Visual Basic 6 Web Programming
by Jerry Ablan, et al
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Dan Appleman's Developing Com/Activex Components With Visual Basic 6
by Dan Appleman, Daniel Appleman
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Learn to Program Visual Basic 6 Examples
by John Smiley
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Beginning Visual Basic SQL Server 7.0
by Thearon Willis
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Learning Vbscript
by Paul Lomax, Ronald Petrusha (Editor)
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Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (Mps)
by Francesco Balena
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Distributed COM Application Development Using Visual Basic 6.0 and MTS
by Jim Maloney
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Beginning Visual Basic 6 Objects
by Peter Wright
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Visual Basic 6 Mts Programming
by Matt Bortniker, et al
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Database Access With Visual Basic 6
by Jeffrey P. McManus
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Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Reference Library
by Microsoft Corporation, MS Corp
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Professional Visual Basic 6 XML
by James Britt, Teun Duynstee
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