MFC Answer Book: Solutions for Effective C++ Applications
by Eugene Kain(Preface), Scot Wingo Buy this book
Writing Solid Code : Microsoft's Techniques for Developing Bug-Free C Programs
by Steve Maguire Buy this book
Getting Started with Visual C++ 6 with an Introduction to MFC
by Harvey, Dr. Deitel, et al Buy this book
Visual C++ Mfc Programming by Example
by John E. Swanke Buy this book
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Programmer's Guide (Programmer's Guide)
by Beck Zaratian Buy this book
Professional MFC With Visual C++ 6
by Mike Blaszczak Buy this book
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Reference Library
by Microsoft Corporation, MS Corp Buy this book
Mfc Programming With Visual C++ 6 Unleashed (Unleashed)
by David White, et al Buy this book
Introduction to MFC Programming with Visual C++
by Richard M. Jones Buy this book
Distributed Com Application Development Using Visual C++ 6.0 (Prentice Hall Series on Microsoft Technologies)
by Jim Maloney Buy this book
Programming Bots, Spiders, and Intelligent Agents in Microsoft Visual C++ (Microsoft Programming Series)
by David Pallmann Buy this book
Visual C++ Windows Shell Programming
by Dino Esposito, Dino Espisito Buy this book
Microsoft(r) Mastering MFC Development Using Microsoft Visual C++(r) 6.0
by Microsoft Corporation Buy this book
Learn Microsoft Transaction Server Development Using Visual C++ 6.0
by Nathan Wallace Buy this book
Windows Programming, Under the Hood of MFC: A Quick Tour of Visual C++ Tools
by Laura B. Draxler Buy this book
Graphics Programming in C++: Writing Graphics Applications for Windows 98
by Mark Walmsley Buy this book
Debugging Visual C++ Windows
by Keith Bugg Buy this book
Schildt's Windows 95 Programming in C and C++
by Herbert Schildt, Jeff Pepper (Editor) Buy this book
Debugging Windows Programs: Strategies, Tools, and Techniques for Visual C++ Programmers (The DevelopMentor Series)
by Mike Woodring, Everett N. McKay Buy this book
Mastering Windows 2000 Programming With Visual C++ (Mastering)
by Ben Ezzell Buy this book