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in association with Bookshop > Computers & Internet > Graphics & Software > Web & Multimedia > LaTeX
A Guide to LATEX: Document Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users
by Helmut Kopka, Patrick W. Daly
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The Latex Companion
by Michel Goossens, et al
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LaTeX : A Documentation Preparation System User's Guide and Reference Manual
by Leslie Lamport, Duane Bibby (Illustrator)
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LaTeX Graphics Companion, The: Illustrating Documents with TeX and PostScript¿
by Michel Goossens, et al
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The Latex Web Companion : Integrating Tex, Html and Xml (Addison-Wesley Series on Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting)
by Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz
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LaTeX: Line by Line: Tips and Techniques for Document Processing, 2nd Edition
by Antoni Diller
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First Steps in LaTeX
by George Gratzer
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Math into LaTeX : Third Edition
by George Gratzer
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Tex Unbound : Latex and Tex Strategies for Fonts, Graphics, & More
by Alan Hoening, Alan Hoenig
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Latex for Linux : A Vade Mecum
by Bernice Sacks Lipkin
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Math into Latex : An Introduction to Latex and Ams-Latex
by George Gratzer
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Learning Latex
by D. F. Griffiths, D. J. Higham
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LATEX Notes: Practical Tips for Preparing Technical Documents
by J. Kenneth Shultis, Kenneth Shultis (Designer)
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Latex for Everyone : A Reference Guide and Tutorial for Typesetting Documents Using a Computer
by Jane Hahn
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Tex Unbound : Latex & Tex Strategies for Fonts, Graphics, & More
by Alan Hoenig
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TEX and laTEX : drawing and literate programming
by Eitan Gurari
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Math into Tex : A Simple Introduction to Ams-Latex/Book and Disk
by George Gratzer
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Latex, Concisely (Ellis Horwood Series in Computers and Their Applications)
by Adrian Johnstone
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Latex for Scientists and Engineers (Computing That Works Series)
by David J. Buerger
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Tex and Latex : Drawing and Literate Programming/Book and Disk (McGraw-Hill Programming Tools for Scientists & Engineers)
by Eitan M. Gurari
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