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Authorware 5 Attain Authorized
by Orson Kellogg
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The Official Guide to Authorware 4 : The Comprehensive Reference from the Multimedia Labs of Macromedia (Macromedia Press Series)
by Nick Roberts
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The Ultimate Authorware Tutorial : An Interactive Book and Cd-Package
by Richard S. Schifman(Editor), et al
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Authorware: An Introduction to Multimedia
by Simon Hooper
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Macromedia Authorware 3 : Internal Functions Professional Reference
by Joseph A. Ganci, et al
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Authoring Authorware: A Practical Guide
by John C. Shepherd, David Colaizzi
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Authorware 4 Authorized
by Orson Kellog, et al
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Authorware : An Introduction to Multimedia for Use With Authorware 3 and Higher
by Simon Richard Hooper
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The Multimedia Workshop : Authorware Professional 2.0
by Matthew Holtz
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Effective Authorware for Windows Versions 3.0 and 3.5
by Daniel Weichart
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Interactive Guide to AuthorWare 4 with CD-ROM
by Candace S. Garrod
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Authorware Academic Models for Instructional Design for the MacIntosh
by Mike Allen
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Authorware Academic MacIntosh
by MacRomedia Inc
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Using Macromedia Authorware 3.5
by Robert S. Zielinski
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Authorware Academic for Windows
by Michael W. Allen
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