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in association with Bookshop > Computers & Internet > Computer Science > Software Engineering > Design Tools & Techniques
Mastering the Requirements Process
by Suzanne Robertson, James Robertson
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The Rational Unified Process, An Introduction (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)
by Philippe Kruchten
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Contextual Design : A Customer-Centered Approach to Systems Designs
by Hugh Beyer, Karen Holtzblatt
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The Rational Unified Process
by Philippe Kruchten
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Managing the Software Process
by Watts S. Humphrey
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Web Site Engineering: Beyond Web Page Design
by Thomas A. Powell, et al
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CMM in Practice: Processes for Executing Software Projects at Infosys (The SEI Series in Software Engineering)
by Pankaj Jalote
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Introduction to the Personal Software Process (Sei Series in Software Engineering)
by Watts S. Humphrey
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Cmm Implementation Guide : Choreographing Software Process Improvement
by Kim Caputo
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Introduction to the Team Software Process (Sei Series in Software Engineering)
by Watts S. Humphrey, et al
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Software Reuse : Architecture Process and Organization for Business Success
by Ivar Jacobson, et al
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Successful Software Process Improvement
by Robert B. Grady
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Designing for the User with OVID: Bridging the Gap Between Software Engineering and User Interface Design
by Dave Robert(Editor), et al
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Cleanroom Software Engineering: Technology and Process (SEI Series in Software Engineering)
by Stacy J. Prowell, et al
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Programming on Purpose : Essays on Software Design
by P. J. Plauger
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Requirements Engineering : Processes and Techniques (Worldwide Series in Computer Science)
by Ian Sommerville, Gerald Kotonya
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Object Oriented Design (Yourdon Press Computing Series)
by Peter Coad, et al
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Statistical Methods for Software Quality : Using Metrics to Control Process and Product Quality
by Adrian Burr, et al
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Handbook of Team Design : A Practitioner's Guide to Team Systems Development
by Peter H. Jones
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Software Engineering Processes: Principles and Applications
by Yingxu Wang
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Data Visualization Techniques (Trends in Software, 6)
by Chandrajit Bajaj(Editor), Bala Krishnamurthy
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Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis and Logical Design: A Software Engineering Approach
by Donald G. Firesmith
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GUI Design for Dummies With 3.5 Disk
by Laura Arlov
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An Assessment of Space Shuttle Flight Software Development Processes
by Nancy Leveson
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Risk Management Processes for Software Engineering Models (Artech House Computer Science Library)
by Marian Myerson
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