Awards | Comments and Feedback
The Constants and Equations Pages are an on-going project to list together as many different constants and equations as possible, although it has now grown beyond this and now consists of much, much more than just constants and equations! Obviously, this would be impossible for one person to do, so there is the opportunity for visitors to the site to submit any constant or equation which you feel should be here and isn't. Hopefully, the site will grow quickly on the back of submissions from you.
The site was first released to the world on the 21st November 1997, and has been very successful, receiving in excess of 15,000,000 hits in the first three years. The plans for the future development of the site include finishing all the things which I have started and also adding other things such as descriptions about some of the more commonly used equations and constants, and possibly a few pages about how to do some 'exciting' maths things such as calculus and geometry. I hope that you find this site as useful as I have found it extremely enlightening and interesting to compile.
The site is developed using a piece of custom-built Java software which essentially keeps a database of all the pages of the site in one place. I am able to edit pages offline and then upload them when they have been changed.
You can now download the whole site; have a look here to find out some more.


The Constants and Equations Pages has won the following awards:
InterNIC Acacdemic Guide Featured Site WebSideStory Pick of the Week!
Webpicks Winner
(1st June 1998)
and has appeared in many publications such as Everyday Practical Electronics, Acorn User and also on the New Scientist and BBC websites.

Comments and Feedback

Do you want to make a comment about The Constants and Equations Pages? Take a look at the submissions and feedback page, or fill out the survey.
"This is one of the best web pages on the internet."
Doug Packard
"This site is great ... it is very helpful having one source, instead of constantly searching at the back of books."
"I just wanted to congratulate you on creating one of the nerdiest sites I have ever seen"
Katrina Vestal
"The scientific constants and equations page is very helpful ... especially when I don't have access to a textbook!"
Jeremy Mincey
"I have been looking for this type of page for a while. This type of information is not easily found in this town."
Joe Monture
"Thanks for the help your site gave me in designing a mural for my daughter's school's 'Mathstravaganza' night. I found lots of cool equations and symbols ... none of which I understand but they make terrific graphics!"
Leslie Rogalski
"Your Constants and Equations Pages are really something! I am amazed at your work."
Jimmy Davis
"Excellent reference"
Richard Currie

Page compiled: Wed Sep 05 18:38:02 GMT+01:00 2001